Thursday 4 February, 14:00 UTC
11pm in Seoul, 5:30pm in Tehran, 4pm in Tel-Aviv, 3pm in Oslo, 2pm in Lisbon
Convenor: Clara Saraiva (WCAA and APA); Host: Michel Bouchard (WCAA)
South Korea: Hyang-Jin Jung (Seoul National University)
Iran: Soheila M. Shahshahani (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran)
Israel: Nurit Bird-David (University of Haifa)
Norway: Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo)
Portugal: João Pina-Cabral (Institute of Social Sciences, Lisbon)
All colleagues are invited to attend this Zoom meeting via this meeting link. (Meeting ID: 695 2187 6204 and Passcode: 223553)
- Please enter the ‘waiting room’ 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time.
- Please keep your mic on mute and your video off.
- The Zoom meeting has a 300 attendee capacity, so if you are unable to enter the room, you can watch it on the WCAA Facebook page.