WCAA News November 2023

WCAA Statement related to the Brazilian Riots and Solidarity with the Brazilian Association of Anthropology
WCAA News November 2022

Farewell to Bruno and Dom, with Great Sorrow, Sadness, and Indignation – The Brazilian Anthropology Association – ABA
Disappearance on the Rio Javari, Where are Bruno and Dom? – Statement from Associação Brasileira de Antropologia

WCAA Statement related to the letter issued by members of the Executive Committee of the Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia (AAER)

World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) Statement of the Organizing Committee and Support Letter of the Russian Anthropologist’s Petition to End the War with Ukraine

Empires, Borders and Wards: The Anthropological Take on Events in Ukraine – Debate/ Roundtable

World Council of Anthropological Associations SPECIAL WEBINAR Thursday, March 3, 2pm UTC 6 am, Canada (Vancouver); 2 pm, Edinburgh; 4 pm, Helsinki; 5 pm, St. Petersburg https://unbc.zoom.us/j/62985135849 Meeting ID: 629 8513 5849 Passcode: 228639 Live Broadcast (Facebook): https://fb.me/e/6bPIjlBPK Live Broadcast (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH37_UTUA8JcnXrq89TE2FQ Michel Bouchard, WCAA Convenor Clara Saraiva, Michel Bouchard & Virginia R. Dominguez […]
Participate in the IUAES Yucatan 2021 Congress

An Opportunity to Reflect on What is Important and to Design Possible Anthropological Futures Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, Autonomous University of Yucatan The IUAES 2021 Yucatan Conference, organized by Victoria Chenaut, will take place this coming November of 2021, from the 9th to the 13th. It was originally planned as an all-presential event, which we expected […]
Déjà Lu by the WCAA has published a new issue
The forum of anthropologica 42 of the *best articles* from an array of anthropological journals across the globe.