Organizing Committee, Delegates and Advisory Committee

Gordon Mathews


Hong Kong Anthropological Association

Clara Saraiva


Institute Of Social Sciences University Of Lisbon.

Helen Macdonald


Anthropology Southern Africa

Michel Bouchard


Canadian Anthropology Society

Jinsook Choi

The Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology

Francesca Declich

Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale

Edward B. Liebow

American Anthropological Association

Ricardo A. Fagoaga

Digital Impact Consultant

Bela Feldman-Bianco

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia

Lía Ferrero

Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología

Gcobani Quambela

Anthropology South Africa

International delegates

Anthropology Southern Africa (ASnA) Helen Macdonald

Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red (AIBR)  Sergio D. López

European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)  Mariya Ivancheva

International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) Danijela Birt

International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) Bernhard Tschofen

International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Junji Koizumi

Latin American Association / Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología (ALA) Lía Ferrero

Pan African Anthropology Association (PAAA) Paul Nkwi

Wenner-Gren Foundation (WGF) Danilyn Rutherford

Anthropology Association of Ireland (AAI) Thomas Strong

Argentina: Colegio de Graduados en Antropología de la República Argentina (CGA) Silvia Hirsch

Association of Social Anthropologists UK & Commonwealth (ASA) Simone Abram

Australia: Australian Anthopological Society (AAS) Debra McDougall

Brazil: Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) Patricia Birman

Canada: La Societe Canadienne d’Anthropologie (CASCA) Éric Gagnon Poulin

Chile: Colegio de Antropólogos de Chile (CAC) Rosamel Millaman Reinao

China: Chinese Anthropological Society (CAS) Gang Chen

Croatia: Croatian Anthropological Society (HAD) Pavao Rudan

Czech Republic: Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA) Martin Hermansky

Czech Republic: Česká Národopisná Společnost (ČNS) Eva Kuminkova

Ethnological and Anthropological Society of Nigeria

Finland: Finnish Anthropological Society (SAS) Jukka Jouhki

France: Association Française d’Ethnologie et d’Anthropologie / French Association of Ethnology and Anthropology (AFEA) Marie-Pierre Julien

France: Association Française des Anthropologues (AFA) Barbara Morovich

Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA) Dorle Dracklé

Greece: Association of Social Anthropologists of Greece

Hong Kong: Hong Kong Anthropological Society (HKAS) Gordon Mathews

India: Indian Anthropological Association (IAA) Soumendra Mohan Patnaik

India: Indian Anthropological Society, Calcutta (IAS) Rajat Das

Indonesia: Indonesian Anthropological Association (AAI) Dian Rosdiana

Israel: Israeli Anthropological Association (IAA) Malka Shabtay

Italy: Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale (SIAC) Ferdinando Mirizzi

Italy: Istituto Italiano di Antropologia (ISItA) Bernardino Fantini

Japan: Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (JASCA) Sachiko Kubota

Latvia: Latvijas Antropologu Biedriba / Latvijas Antropologu Biedriba (LAB) Klāvs SedlenieksIeva Puzo

Lithuanian Anthropological Association

Mexico: Colegio de Etnólogos y Antropólogos Sociales (CEAS) Lizeth Pérez Cárdenas.

New Zealand: Association of Social Anthropologists of New Zealand/Aoteroa (ASAA/NZ) Brigitte Bonisch-Brednich

Norway: Norsk Antropologisk Forening (NAF) Elisabeth Fosseli Olsen

Norway: Nordic Antropological Film Association (NAFA) Frode Storaas

Philippines: Anthropological Association of the Philippines / Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao, Inc (UGAT) Skilty Labastilla

Poland: Polskie Towarszystwo Ludoznawcze / Polish Ethnological Society (PTL) Anna Weronika Brzezińska

Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (APA) Clara Saraiva

Russia: Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia (AAER) Valery Alexandrovich Tishkov

Serbia: Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society (SEAS) Vladimir S. Kostić

South-Korea: The Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology (KOSCA) Seok-jun Hong

Spain: Anthropological Association of Castile and Leon (AAC-LMK) Ignacio Fernández de Mata

Spain: (Catalania) Institut Català d’Antropologia (ICA) Araceli Muñoz Garcia

Spain: Instituto Madrileño de Antropología (IMA) Álvaro Pazos

Sweden: Anthropological Association of Sweden (SANT) Ulrik Jennishce

Taiwan: Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology (TSAE) Shu-min Huang

Tunisia: Tunisian Association of Anthropology / L’Association Tunisienne d’Anthropologie (ATA) Hassen Chaabani

UK: Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) David Shankland

Uruguay: Uruguay Association for Social and Cultural Anthropology (AUAS) María Noel Curbelo

USA: American Anthropological Association (AAA) Akhil Gupta

USA: Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Sherylyn Briller

Advisory committee

Greg Acciaioli – former undesignated member of the Org Comm

Annie Benveniste (Former President – French Association of Anthropologists)

Niko Besnier (Former editor-in-chief of American Ethonologist)

Nurit Bird-David (Former President – Israeli Anthropological Association)

David Bogopa (Former President – Pan African Anthropological Association)

João de Pina Cabral (Former President – European Association of Social Anthropologists)

Luis R. Cardoso de Oliveira (Former President – Brazilian Association)

Milka Castro Lucic (Former President – Latin American Association of Anthropology)

Yuri K. Chistov (Former President – Russian Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists)

Freek Colombijn (Former Secretary of IUAES)

Virginia Dominguez (Former President – American Anthropological Association)

Benoît de l’Estoile (Former International Delegate – EASA)

Richard Fardon (Former Chair – Association of Social Anthropologists of the U.K and the Commonwealth)

Bela Feldman-Bianco (Former President – Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, ABA)

John Gledhill (Former Chairperson – Association of Social Anthropologists UK)

Miriam Grossi (Former President – Brazilian Anthropological Association, ABA)

Monica Heller (Former President – American Anthropological Association)

Shu-min Huang (Former President – Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology, TSAE)

Ellen R. Judd (Former President – Canadian Anthropology Society)

Karl-Heinz Kohl (Former Chairperson – DGV)

Susana Narotzky (Former President – European Association of Social Anthropologists, EASA)

Setha Low (Former President – American Anthropological Association)

Graeme Macrae (Former Chair – ASAA/NZ The Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand)

Saša Missoni – (Former Vice-President International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

Henk Pauw (Former president – South African Association, Former member of WCAA Organising Committee)

Ana Bella Perez Castro (Former President – Latin American Association)

Thomas Reuter (Former Chair – WCAA)

Robert Rowland (Former President – Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia, APA)

Danilyn Rutherford (President – Wenner-Gren Foundation)

Francine Saillant (Former President – Canadian Anthropology Society)

Noel B. Salazar (Former President – European Association of Social Anthropologists, EASA)

Yasumasa Sekine (Former President – Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, JASCA)

Mugsy Spiegel (Former President – Anthropology Southern Africa)

James B. Waldram (Former President – Canadian Anthropology Society)

Terence Wright (Former President – Anthropological Association of Ireland)

AB Permanent Council

Isaac Nyamongo (Pan African Association of Anthropologists – Past Chair 2020-2023) 

Carmen Rial (Associação Brasileira de Antropologia – Past Chair 2018-2020) 

Chandana Mathur (Anthropology Association of Ireland – Past Chair 2016-2018)

Vesna Vučinić-Nešković (International Association for Southeast European Anthropology Past Chair – 2014-2016)

Michal Buchowski (Polskie Towarszystwo Ludoznawcze / Polish Ethnological Society – Past Chair 2012-2014)

Thomas Reuter (Australian Anthropological Association – Past Chair 2009-2012)

Junji Koizumi (Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology – Past Chair 2005-2009)

Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (Brazilian Association of Anthropology – Past Chair 2004-2005)

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