WCAA Members Associations
Anthropology is a small discipline on the island of Ireland and of relatively recent origins. There are two academic departments: that in Queen’s University, Belfast was established in 1973 (now in the School of History and Anthropology), and that in National University of Ireland Maynooth in 1983. The AAI came into being in 1987 with the objective of promoting the discipline by encouraging research and teaching, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, and promoting acceptable standards of professional conduct.
Web: anthropologyireland.org;
Publications: Irish Journal of Anthropology
ASnA was founded in 2001 with the merging of the two former anthropology associations in South Africa.
These were the Association for Anthropology in Southern Africa (AASA) and the South African Association for Cultural Anthropologists (SASCA).
In general, AASA members were associated with the English-speaking universities and SASCA members with Afrikaans-speaking universities, though membership was not confined to academics. The two associations were divided not only by language but also by epistemology (Social Anthropology in the case of AASA, Cultural Anthropology in the case of SASCA), and by ideology (in brief, agreement and disagreement with apartheid policies).
Web: www.asnahome.org
The CGA is a professional organization founded by the Constitutive Assembly of July 27, 1972. As a national professional association (legal registration # 351838), it includes an important proportion of anthropologists engaged in practice in Argentina.
Web: cga.org.ar/
Web: www.aas.asn.au
Founded in 1955, the ABA is the oldest scientific organisation existing in Brazil in the field of Social Sciences. In fifty years, the ABA has played an outstanding role in dealing with issues related to public policies regarding education, social action and protection of human rights.
Throughout its history, it defended ethnic minorities, discriminated groups and has expressed itself manifestly against social injustice. Its voice has not failed to disturb those who do not respect human rights. Its code of ethics demands respect for populations studied and requires researchers to make their objectives clear to the groups and populations they study.
Web: www.portal.abant.org.br/
AIBR (Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red) was founded in November 2002 with the aim of developing a network for research and dissemination of the anthropological discipline in Spain, Portugal and America.
Web: https://aibr.org
CASCA was founded in February of 1974 at a meeting of 120 ethnologists at Université Laval, with its original name being the Canadian Ethnology Society. The founding members drafted and approved a constitution with a mandate to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among ethnologists. The society’s aims were to encourage formal and informal dissemination of knowledge through an annual conference and publications; promote relations with other academic and professional associations, aboriginal groups, and governments; and publicize ethnological research and activities to further understanding of ethnological practices.
Web: www.cas-sca.ca
The Croatian Anthropological Society (Hrvatsko antropološko društvo – HAD) is a cover organization bringing together scientists and professionals working in the field of anthropology and complementary scientific fields (e.g. biology, genetics, physiology, immunology, morphology, ethnology, archaeology, psychology etc.).
The Society has 157 members.
Web: hrvatsko-antropolosko-drustvo.hr/
CASA is association of professional academics in social anthropology, graduates in social anthropology (MA level) and supporters from related disciplines. It is part of the academic community of the Czech Republic and belongs to the category of scientific societies.
The aims of CASA are:
to support the development of scientific research and education in social anthropology;
to represent Czech social anthropology in relation to the government, public and non-governmental organizations and on international anthropological forums;
to popularise the achievements of social anthropology;
to maintain contacts and establish cooperation with similar professional organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad.
To attain its aims, the association organizes specialized conferences, lectures and seminars, prepares and publishes publications, elaborates and presents suggestions concerning the improvement of education and research in social anthropology, and offers the findings of social anthropology for practical implementation.
Web: www.casaonline.cz
The Czech Ethnological Society (Česká národopisná společnost) is an association of professionals working in the fields of ethnology and cultural anthropology. The history of the Czech Ethnological Society dates back to 1891 and is closely related to the establishment of ethnology as an academic field in the Czech Lands.
Today the society has more than two hundred individual members specializing in different aspects of traditional culture and cultural history and twenty collective members which include museums, open-air museums and academic institutions.
The Czech Ethnological Society has two special commissions – Commission for Folk Architecture and Commission for Folk Customs and since 2010 it is accredited to act in advisory capacity to the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since 1906 it publishes the Ethnographic journal.
Web: www.narodopisnaspolecnost.cz
The Chinese Anthropological Society – CAS The Chinese Anthropological Society(CAS)was founded on May 14, 1981. It is one of the first nation-wide academic organizations in China. Its mission is to unite and organize all Chinese anthropologists to promote the prosperity of anthropology in China. It now has 433 members. Its present chair is HAO Si-yuan HAO Shi-yuan. Its main activities of CAS include: 1) actively conduct academic research and organize various forms of academic activities; 2) compile, translate and publish outstanding anthropological research results and promote and popularize anthropological knowledge; 3) maintain close contacts with relevant associations at home and abroad and reinforce academic cross-discipline and international exchanges; 4) establish regular contact with relevant local units or offices and provide advices to policy-makers; 5) compile The Newsletter of Chinese Anthropological Society to report great anthropological research achievements at home and abroad, to provide relevant academic information at home and abroad, and report the opinions and suggestions of the members.
EASA is a professional association open to all social anthropologists either qualified in, or else working in, Europe. It is a society of scholarship, founded in January 1989 at a meeting of eighteen founder members from fourteen European countries, supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. This meeting drafted the Constitution and elected the Association’s first Executive Committee (1989-90), chaired by Prof. Adam Kuper, Brunel University of London.
Web: easaonline.org
The Finnish Anthropological Society is a learned society founded in 1975. The Society has approximately 400 members in Finland and abroad. The core function of the Society is to promote high quality research in the fields of anthropology and in disciplines closely related to anthropology. The Society also creates public venues for discussing and disseminating anthropological knowledge and aims at consolidating the identity of anthropologists working in Finland.
Web: www.antropologinenseura.fi
Founded in 2009, the AFEA (Association Française d’Ethnologie et d’Anthropologie/ French association for Social Anthropology), is a professional association dedicated to promote the advancement of anthropology in France. The main objectives of AFEA are to unite individual anthropologists and associations working in anthropology, to represent the discipline at the national level, and to provide advice for related public policy developments in France. Our main activities are: running a participatory
Website that gathers information related to anthropology, hosting periodical meetings (conferences, forums, etc.) as exchange platforms for those working in anthropology in France, and promoting initiatives in teaching and research in anthropology.
Web: afea.hypotheses.org
Web: www.afa.msh-paris.fr/
The DGSKA congregates social anthropologists as well as people and institutions interested in anthropological issues. It was founded in the 1920s, with even older predecessors.
Web: https://www.dgska.de
The GLOCAL, The Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics, housed at SOAS, University of London, is the global non-profit international organization and unit for Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, vastly networking academic universities, bodies, and prominent scholars, worldwide, all with focus on Linguistic Cultural Anthropology. The GLOCAL is the world body bridging together the world of Linguistic Cultural Anthropology by organizing multiple conferences on Linguistic Cultural Anthropology annually, while producing several peer-reviewed academic journals, media, and projects, both in academic research, and throughout larger society.
Web: glocal.soas.ac.uk
The HKAS was founded in 1978 in response to a growing interest in Hong Kong in the culture and ethnography of the region. It now has some 120 members in Hong Kong, including professional anthropologists and other academics from Hong Kong’s eight universities, postgraduate and undergraduate students, and interested laypeople from all walks of life. The Society works in close association with the Hong Kong Museum of History and with the Department of Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The society organizes regular monthly talks by scholars, professionals, and local experts on all aspects of anthropology — from netizens in China’s cyberspace to the struggles of Hong Kong Disneyland, from shamans in Indonesia to Hong Kong identity as Chinese/not Chinese, from the birth of agriculture in China to migrant laborers in Beijing to ecotourism in Malaysia, low-end globalization in Chungking Mansions, and musical genres in the Philippines. These talks are followed by informal dinners at a local restaurant, to which all are invited. The purpose of the Society is to bring anthropology beyond the doors of academe, to a larger public of interested people in Hong Kong and beyond. We seek to bring academics and laypeople together in a common forum, in order to broaden academic anthropology and in order to broaden the understanding of anthropology by people beyond the academy.
Web: www.cuhk.edu.hk/ant/hkas/
The Indian Anthropological Society traces its origin from the Anthropology Club established in 1921 at the initiative of the then Vice-chancellor of the University of Calcutta, Sir Ashutosh Mukhopadhyay, who acted as its founding President. The major objectives of the Club were to organize periodic academic discourses on anthropology and related disciplines as well as to examine the role and relevance of anthropology in the emerging situational contexts of India. The Club also took active interest in promoting and propagating inter-culturally tolerant outlook among fellow citizens.
Web: indiananthropologicalsociety.org
The International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) is the successor of the Association of Balkan Anthropology (ABA), founded in 1996. InASEA was established at the conference in Sofia in 2000. The Association members perform research in Southeast European ethnology, cultural and social anthropology, folklore, historical anthropology, and the related disciplines. They come from the region as well as from other parts of the world, and share the conviction that anthropologically informed research is an essential element for understanding the current and past problems of Southeast Europe.
Web: inasea.net
SIEF is an international scholarly organization founded in 1964. The major purpose of our organization is to facilitate cooperation among scholars working within European Ethnology, Folklore Studies and adjoining fields. Membership is open to interested scholars and students. The modest membership fees support our efforts to build stronger networks among individuals and institutions in our fields, to enlarge the scope of our
Web-based services, and to plan and carry out scholarly meetings. Within the larger and looser framework of SIEF, a number of special interest sections have taken shape over the past decades. They hold their own congresses and workshops, and in some instances publish their own proceedings.
Web: www.siefhome.org
The IUAES is a world organization of social and biological anthropological scientists and institutions working in the fields of anthropology and ethnology, but also of interest to archaeologists and linguistics specialists, among others. Its aim is to enhance exchange and communication among scholars of all regions of the world, in a collective effort to expand human knowledge. In this way it hopes to contribute to a better understanding of human society, and to a sustainable future based on harmony between nature and culture.
Web: waunet.org/iuaes
The Israeli Anthropological Association (IAA) was founded in 1973. Starting as a four-field association, its membership today is dominated by socio-cultural anthropologists. Its over 100 members include university staff, college staff, and graduate students (about 1/3 of the membership each). The main activity of the IAA is a two-day annual meeting, with distinguished keynote speakers from abroad, lively discussions , book celebration and alternate PhD and MA theses competitions.
Web: www.anthropology.org.il
Web: www.siacantropologia.it
The ISItA was founded in 1893 by Giuseppe Sergi. The objective of the ISItA is to promote an interdisciplinary approach to anthropology which encompasses a synthesis of the biological, social and cultural aspects of the evolution of Man. The activities of the ISItA include the organisation of scientific meetings regarding matters of general interest and the publication of the Journal of Anthropological Sciences (JASs).The JASs publishes research articles, notes and reviews concerning all aspects of evolutionary anthropology (primatology, human paleontology, prehistory, biology and genetics of extinct and extant populations), with particular attention towards interdisciplinary approaches.
Web: www.isita-org
With a membership of approximately 2,100 scholars and students, the JASCA/Nihon Bunkajinrui Gakkai is one of the largest anthropological organizations in the world. The JASCA’s main purpose is to promote research on human culture(s) in cultural anthropology, social anthropology and ethnology.
Web: www.jasca.org
Web: www.asociacionlatinoamericanadeantropologia.net
LAB was founded in 1999 by Latvian anthropologists who had gained education in the West after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The association aspires to develop and strengthen social/ cultural anthropology as an academic discipline in Latvia, engaging at the same time with other disciplines that study humankind from different perspectives. LAB also tries to enhance scholarly and public debate on important socio-political issues in Latvia. Members of the association include anthropologists currently involved in teaching and research at local and foreign universities as well as representatives of other academic disciplines with interest in anthropology. LAB also has a student section.
Web: antropologubiedriba.wikidot.com
The CEAS is a professional organization created by the Constitutive Assembly of July 25, 1974. Legally recognized as a professional college by the General Profession Direction of the Public Education Secretary (Mexico) since 1976, the College has an official place in Mexico City, judicial personality, its own patrimony, and indefinite duration.
Web: ceasmexico.wordpress.com
The Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAA/NZ) is a relatively small association, established in 1975. It now has some 100 members. Its main activity is an annual conference, usually in December. It also maintains an online discussion board. Anthropology in Aotearoa/NZ began in the encounter between Maori and colonial intellectuals who sought to understand and engage with Maori society. This was later infused with the British tradition of social anthropology, which attracted New Zealanders such as Raymond Firth to study in Britain and later a student of Malinowski, Ralph Piddington, to move from Australia to New Zealand, where he founded the first department of anthropology in Auckland in 1950. There are now six anthropology programmes at universities across the country. Anthropologists also work in other programmes, government departments, and private practice.
Web: www.asaanz.org
The Association of Social Anthropologists Greece (SKAE) is a professional and scientific union founded in July 2020, after three decades of Social Anthropology’s academic presence in Greece in the form of fully functioning university departments. SKAE was founded at a time where social anthropologists continue to experience conditions of increased precarity, part-time employment and unemployment.
Norsk Antropologisk Forening (NAF) was founded in 1979 and is now a comprehensive organization with members from all the main anthropological institutes in Norway, as well as anthropologists outside academia. As such, NAF offers a common ground of educational and social interaction for Norwegian anthropologists. The association arranges an annual conference with distinguished keynote speakers, panel discussions and the announcement of awards for MA and PhD theses competitions, and is furthermore involved in publishing of the Norwegian Anthropological Journal. Through this and other activities NAF aims at contributing to the prospering of collaboration among anthropologistsin Norway (as well as in the Scandinavian region).
Web: antropologi.org
Insaniyyat, The Society of Palestinian Anthropologists, was founded in 2015, in order to promote anthropological inquiry in and on Palestine. It is the first academic association that brings the globally dispersed community of Palestinian Anthropologists and Anthropologists of Palestine together, under one organizational umbrella. Our aims include: promoting the academic teaching of Anthropology within Palestinian universities; introducing Anthropology to diverse public audiences; and encouraging ethnographic research and scholarly exchange among Palestinians and on Palestine. A main activity is holding a biannual academic conference. Other activities include: developing curriculum in Arabic on Anthropology; undertaking community-based activities to promote Anthropology as a field of knowledge; holding seminars; and outreaching internationally to establish academic partnerships.
Web: insaniyyat.org
Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA) is an organization for cooperation within the field of visual anthropology and has been active since the mid-1970s. One of NAFA’s most important tasks has been to build up an anthropological film collection for use in teaching and research. NAFA also arranges an annual international film festival and conference. Our newsletter NAFA-Network, incorporating the Commission of Visual Anthropology (CVA) Circular, has hundreds of subscriptions from all over the world.
Web: nafa.uib.no
The PAAA is a professional association whose primary goal is to facilitate the development of anthropological capacity and to promote excellence in the context of Africa’s development. The mission of the association is derived therefore from the tripartite mandate mentioned in the historical background of PAAA.
Web: https://www.ugat-aghamtao.org
UGAT’s journal provides a forum for the ‘scholarship and practice of anthropology’ in the Philippines, while annual conferences provide opportunities for members and related practitioners to participate in the critical examination of evidence-based theoretical and applied research; and hence UGAT produces and disseminates knowledge to its diverse publics (e.g. academe, community-based organizations, state and non-state agencies).
Web: ptl.info.pl/aktualnosci/
The APA , founded in 1989, is the representative association of Portuguese anthropologists. In 2005, it has some 515 associates. APA is economically independent, being supported by its associate’s fees and is formally constituted as an association under Portuguese law. Its organs are elected by the associates for a three-year period. APA is permanently based at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (a research institution with a postgraduate program, which includes a section specializing in anthropology) through an agreement of mutual convenience.
Web: www.apantropologia.org/apa/
In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the movement, AAER conducts a regular biennial Congresses of anthropologists and ethnologists; since 1991, 10 congresses have occurred.
AAER has the status of the All-Russian non-governmental organization. It includes 48 regional offices in various regions of the Russian Federation. To join AAER, you need submit an application to the head-office of Association. To contact AAER please write at congress(AT)iea.ras.ru, aaer2015(AT)mail.ru or call +74959548953
Web: iea-ras.ru/index.php?go=Ethno
Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society (SEAS) was founded in 1977. It currently has around 100 active members and is the only professional ethnological and anthropological association currently operating in Serbia. Its general mission comprises: research, safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible; continuous education within areas of ethnology, social and cultural anthropology, ethnography and folklore; management and support of ethnological, anthropological and related professional activities in Serbia; coordination and promotion of inter-institutional and interdisciplinary research and public activity; conference and seminar organization and support, and promotion of findings and results of ethnological, anthropological and allied research projects and activities. The state administration regularly relies on SEAS research and professional consultation in its decision-making and policy design as members of the Society are actively involved in UNESCO-related projects. The Society publishes its journal “Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology” twice a year. SEAS conferences are held biannually and are regional in their scope.
Web: .eads.org.rs
Web: koanth.org/
Since its creation in 1978, the main objective of the Institut Català d’Antropologia, has been to work to disseminate the knowledge and practice of the anthropological discipline and to create a space for discussion, research and scientific deepening of the society and culture in Catalonia.The institution was born from the concern of a group of anthropologists to open new perspectives and forms of work. It currently has about 400 members, various working groups and publishes an Open Access scientific journal QuAderns.
Web: https://www.antropologia.cat/
The Madrid Institute of Anthropology (IMA) was founded in 2009 to promote the furtherance and public understanding of anthropology, principally in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. To that end, it encourages research in anthropology as a scientific discipline and the spread of research results in anthropology, the study of the contributions of anthropology to the analysis of social problems, as well as favouring intercultural understanding, the professionalization of the career of anthropologist with the active provision of services to anthropologists and students of anthropology, provides a space for dialogue, interchange, collaboration and communication for anthropologists and all those interested in anthropology and research on and protection of social and cultural heritage in society, as well as encouraging collaboration with the public administration, social agents and groups, cultural associations, scientific societies, foundations, teaching and research institutions, including membership in federations or unions of associations of anthropology, whether at a regional, national or international level.
Web: https://ima.org.es/
The AAC-LMK was founded in 1989 to promote the discipline of socio-cultural anthropology in Castile and Leon by bringing together anthropologists working in or on the region. The AAC-LMK, which has been a member of the Federation of Anthropological Associations of the Spanish State [FAAEE] since 1993, has been active in the support of anthropological investigation of the area, as well as the spread of the results of such research at local, national and international levels, through the publication, and when necessary, the translation, of the most significant work done on the anthropology of Castile and Leon. The AAC-LMK has also been active in the organising of seminars and of international scientific conferences and the publication of the results of such conferences, as well as in the carrying out of studies in applied anthropology at the request of public and private institutions and in collaboration with professionals of other disciplines.
Web: antropologiacastillayleon.org/
The Anthropological Association of Sweden, SANT, was established in 1991. The main activities of SANT are the annual conferences, organized in different university locations across Sweden. SANT has about 100 paying members. The mission of SANT is to serve as a forum for anthropology in Sweden, and thus to promote the development of scholarship and teaching in anthropology and its applied areas, anthropological knowledge and expertise in various contexts, to protect the professional interests of anthropologists, and to inform about anthropology, and actively work for an increased understanding of anthropology´s social and cultural scholarship at universities, governmental authorities and among the general public.
Web: sverigesantropologforbund.org
Web: taiwananthro.org.tw/
The Tunisian Association of Anthropology is a national scientific association founded in 2001. It is the first organization of individuals interested in Anthropology founded in Tunisia. It is intended to publicize and to promote the anthropological sciences by organizing scientific and cultural activities as seminars and conferences and by encouraging research in the different anthropological specialties. Although national it is open to the world: It has organized international scientific congresses and has founded in 2008 its official journal “International Journal of Modern Anthropology”.
Web: http://www.ata.org.tn/
The ASA was founded in 1946 to promote the study and teaching of social anthropology, to hold periodical meetings, to present the interests of social anthropology and to maintain its professional status, to assist in any way possible in planning research, to collate, and if possible, publish information on social anthropology, and a register of social anthropologists.
Web: theasa.org
The RAI of Great Britain and Ireland is a scholarly association dedicated to anthropology in all its many fields and applications.
Web: https://therai.org.uk/
The American Anthropological Association is the world’s largest association for professional anthropologists, with nearly 10,000 members. Based in Washington, DC, the Association was founded in 1902, and covers all fields of anthropology. While 75 percent of AAA’s members are employed in higher education or are students of anthropology, about 25 percent work in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors, beyond the academy. The Association is organized into 40 sections, each reflecting a specialized domain of knowledge. The AAA publishes a portfolio of 22 journals, offers career planning and professional development services, supports college and university departments, awards numerous prizes and fellowships, sponsors a paid summer internship program, and stages numerous research conferences. The Association also has two public education initiatives that highlighting the contributions made by anthropological research to important and enduring topics such as race and migration.
Web: https://www.americananthro.org/
The Association of Lithuanian Anthropologists gathers anthropologists working in Lithuania, researching it or otherwise related to it. The association develops and spreads the science of anthropology in Lithuania and cooperates with other organizations.
The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) was founded in 1941 to promote the investigation of the principles of human behavior and the application of these principles to contemporary issues and problems. The Society sponsors two journals (Human Organization and Practicing Anthropology) as well as a Monograph Series and occasional special publications. The Society has become the preeminent international organization in the field.
The Society is unique among professional associations. Its membership of over 2,000 represents the interests of professionals in a wide range of work settings — academia, business, law, health and medicine, public and government. Members come from a variety of disciplines — anthropology, sociology, economics, business, planning, medicine, nursing, law, and other related social/behavioral sciences. The unifying factor is a commitment to the mission of our association – professionals from a variety of backgrounds who are making an impact on the quality of life in the world today.
Web: https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting
The Uruguayan Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology (AUAS) was founded in 2005. There was no preceding organization and it came to fill an important gap in the consolidation of anthropology as a field of research and employment beyond the academy. The association also provided a much-needed venue for the integration of the different generations of anthropologists; some of who were precursors from a time in which dedication to the discipline was a rarity. The association has 118 members.
The majority of practicing social anthropologists in Uruguay are members of the association. The association publishes the journal TRAMA: Revista de Cultura y Patrimonio, since 2010, which prioritizes publication of articles that refer to culture and heritage in Uruguay.
The association’s Code of Ethics was sanctioned in 2013.
Web: http://www.auas.org.uy/