Task Forces

WCAA Making Anthropology Global Task Force

(2021- )

This task force will

a)    Examine the stances of anthropologists in different societies around the world towards Anglo-American hegemony: how does the situation differ among anthropologists in different regions?

b)   More broadly, examine the comparative situation of anthropologists in different societies around the world

c)    Suggest possible solutions to the comparative issues faced by anthropologists.

Comparing the situations of anthropologists around the world


Yasmeen Arif

Chen Gang

Gonzalo Diaz Crovetto
Thomas Hylland Eriksen
P-J Ezeh
Gordon Mathews
Shannon Morreira
Kuwayama Takami

WCAA Publishing Council

(2020- )

The WCAA Publishing Council was created in 2020 with the purpose of managing WCAA publications, as well as proposing new types of publication and improving the promotion of existing ones.

The principal aim of the Publishing Council is to disseminate the world’s anthropological work. The Publishing Council facilitates, promotes and encourages publication of articles and special sections in open access journals whether of the WCAA, of its member associations, or elsewhere, respecting the guidelines of the journals involved.

It is also a goal of the Publishing Council to transform content from WCAA webinars and interviews into outright publications, and to collaborate with the francophone dictionary/project Anthropen and other publications wanting to connect to the WCAA, and that have been approved by the Organising Committee of the WCAA. The Publishing Council also suggests principles and well-regarded processes for the editors of journals around the world. The Publishing Council is currently composed of Michel Bouchard, Virginia Dominguez, Ricardo Fagoaga, Monica Heller, Gordon Mathews, Emily Metzner, and Carmen Rial (Chair of the Publishing Council).

Emily Metzner – Chair
Michel Bouchard

Gang James Cheng

Ricardo A. Fagoaga
Monica Heller

Carmen Silvia de Moraes Rial

WCAA Ethics Task Force


The World Council of Anthropological Associations Ethics Task Force is an international body established in 2012 to highlight important issues that relate to ethics and anthropology. 

It aims to review ethics guidelines with other associations for recommendation for the WCAA and develop research areas for further enquiries. Based on this body of evidence, the task is to make recommendations as to how WCAA might proceed. The aim is not to develop a universal set of guidelines but point out main issues that emerge and how they may be productively negotiated.

The WCAA Ethics Task Force is intent on defending the autonomy and integrity of anthropology for representation at large/state or university committees, and to participate in regional, national and international committees or organizations where required.


Eufracio Abaya 

Elisenda Ardevol

Shao-hua Liu

Nayanika Mookherjee

Soumendra Patnaik

Fiona Ross

Clara Saraiva

Rosita Henry

WCAA Global Cultural Policies Task Force

(2016- )

The WCAA Global Cultural Policies Task Force was founded at the WCAA Biennial Meeting in Dubrovnik (2-3 May 2016) with the task of coordinating transnational activities of the WCAA member associations related to cultural policies.

The initial aim was to outline a set of principles according to which policies that would benefit inter-cultural relations (primarily between different ethnic and religious groups) could be designed. Some of these principles would be treated as universal, while others would accommodate specific multi-cultural nation state contexts. The task force seeks to facilitate case studies of both successful and unsuccessful practices coming out of anthropological and other social science accounts that could serve as the basis for general and specific frameworks of policy action.

It also has the further aim of developing channels of communication through which political decision-makers at different levels could be reached directly or indirectly in order to convey recommendations for fostering positive and equitable cultural policies.


Greg Acciaioli

 Lia Ferrero

Lorne Holyoak

Shu-min Huang

Shao-hua Liu

Cynthia Neri Zayas

Idham Setiadi

Vesna Vucinic Neskovic

WCAA Academic Precarity Task Force

(2016- )

This Task Force aim is to found a common ground for discussions and action on the issue of academic precarity. Its establishment in 2021 is the outcome of a series of discussions and initiatives developed since 2016 in the context of the IUAES, WCAA and EASA congresses and meetings.

One of its objectives is to create an Observatory of academic precarity. This will be designed as a platform for conversations on the experiences, meanings, and tensions of academic precarity in different national, regional or international contexts of the anthropological associations. The topics of ethics of research, hiring and autorship as well as the cyclical short-term logic of academic research will be equally addressed. More than ever, there is an urgent need to envision concrete action, on both political and institutional levels, in response to a pervasive process of precarization and to take concrete measures to put an end to this process. In order to create synergies, the Task Force will actively collaborate with national and regional associations, as well as collectives, in the systematization of data, promotion of public debates and sharing of experiences.


Maria Debinska
Ana Ivasiuc PrecAnthro liaison
Ana Leticia de Fiori
Soumodip Sinha


Georgeta Stoica

Vinicius Kaue Ferreira

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