4th WCAA Webinar – Ethical Dilemmas in Anthropological Reaserch

WCAA – World Council of Anthropological Associations

4th Webinar debate/roundtable
Ethical Dilemmas in Anthropological Research

Chair of WCAA:

Carmen Rial from UFSC

Brazil: Luiz F. Duarte
Ireland: Thomas Strong
Australia: Rosita Henry
Mexico: Patricia Mejia
Netherlands: Niko Besnier

Clara Saraiva, WCAA and APA (Portuguese Anthropological Association)

Web mediators:
Michel Bouchard, WCAA and UNBC

Edited by:
Cristhian Caje and Gabriel Sabanay from UFSC

Subtitled by:
Nicolly Silva and Gabriel Sabanay from UFSC

Art production by:
Sil Takazaki from UFSC

Post Production by:
Caroline Almeida and Carla Rocha from UFSC

NĂșcleo de Antropologia Visual e Estudos da Imagem – NAVI
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC

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