Read the webinar’s text-based chat.
Convenor: Clara Saraiva, WCAA and APA (Portuguese Anthropological Association)
Portugal- Cristiana Bastos, ICS, University of Lisbon (ICS-UL)
France- Frederic Keck, Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Norway-Karine Aasgaard Jansen, University of Bergen (UB)
Brazil- Sergio Carrara, University of the State of Rio Janeiro (UERJ)
USA-Charles Briggs, University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Kenya-Isaac Nyamongo, The Cooperative University of Kenya
China-Jing Wang, New York University Shangai
Edition: Cristhian Caje
Subtitles: Nicolly Silva & Gabriel Sabanay
Post Production: Caroline Almeida & Carla Rocha
Chair of WCAA: Carmen Rial
NĂșcleo de Antropologia Visual e Estudos da Imagem – NAVI
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC