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5th WCAA Webinar – Contesting Racism in Anthropology

WCAA – World Council of Anthropological Associations
5th webinar – debate/roundtable

Contesting Racism in Anthropology

Chair of WCAA: Carmen Rial

Joy Owen – South Africa
Michal Buchowski – Poland
Valeria R. Corossacz – Italy
Lilia Schwarcz – Brazil
Irma McClaurin – USA

Convenor: Clara Saraiva and WCAA
Web mediator: Michel Bouchard and WCAA

Edited by: Cristhian Caje and Gabriel Sabanay
Subtitled by: Nicolly Silva and Francieli Maria

Art production by: Sil Takazaki
Post Production by: Caroline Almeida and Carla Rocha

NĂșcleo de Antropologia Visual e Estudos da Imagem – NAVI
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC

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