Council of Commissions
The scientific Commissions of the IUAES bring together anthropologists who focus on specific areas of interest, such as health, education, environment, public policy, migration, cultural heritage, human rights, global feminisms, etc. [see the List of Commissions]. They also promote collaboration among anthropologists and other professionals from related fields of study. Many Commissions meet virtually during the year and their work includes organizing panels at conferences and webinars as well as promoting joint research projects and publications.
Each Commission elects its Chair and Deputy Chair (or Co-Chairs) who constitute the IUAES Council of Commissions, which meets regularly and seeks to promote the interests of all Commissions.
Everyone interested in the fields explored by particular Commissions is welcome to contact the particular Commission leadership – see the List of Commissions with Chairs and Deputy Chairs contact details.

Head, Council of Commissions
Felipe Fernandes, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

Deputy Head, Council of Commissions
Anita Nudelman
Recanati School for Community Health Professions,
Ben Gurion University, Israel
If you have an idea for a new research commission, please get in touch with the Council of Commissions Head or Deputy Head.