Motion on the support for public policies promoting employment for Hijra, Kothi, Travesti, and other Trans-queer people worldwide

Motion to the General Assembly of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) on the Support for Public Policies Promoting Employment for Hijra, Kothi, Travesti, and other Trans-queer People Worldwide


Proposed by Panel 96- The Voice of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from unheard paradigms. Sponsored by the Scientific Commission of Global Feminism and Queer Politics. 


The General Assembly of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) expresses its strong support for the implementation of policies that promote the inclusion and employment of Hijra, Kothi, Travesti, and Trans-queer people globally. Acknowledging the unique and distinct gender identity of the Hijra, Kothi, Travesti, and Trans-queer communities, we recognize the significant challenges they face in the employment process, including discrimination, societal prejudice, and cultural and religious norms that marginalize them.


In particular, we highlight the ongoing struggles of Hijra, Kothi, and Transgender people in Bangladesh, where despite important government initiatives such as the official recognition of their gender identity and inclusion in national identity documents, they continue to experience exclusion and discrimination in formal employment settings. We acknowledge the historical importance of these steps, such as the 2013 official gazette declaration that recognized Hijra people as a distinct gender category beyond the male and female binary, yet we also recognize the persistent challenges they face due to deep-rooted societal and institutional barriers.


The IUAES calls for increased global efforts to support policies that ensure the employment rights of Hijra, Kothi, Travesti, and Trans-queer individuals, challenging both legal and cultural obstacles that hinder their full participation in the workforce. We urge governments, international organizations, and civil society to advocate for inclusive employment practices, ensuring that Hijra, Kothi, Travest,i and Trans-queer people have access to dignified and equal work opportunities worldwide.