Open Call for Organizing and Hosting the 20th World Anthropology Congress in 2031

This is an open call for organizing and hosting World Anthropology Congresses (every 4 years, next available date in 2027). Proposals are welcome at any time, but the WAU Steering Committee seriously prefers receiving proposals at least 48 months in advance to allow the WAU Steering Committee time to discuss and select a proposal and for the chosen organizers to do all the work necessary for a World Anthropology Congress to take place successfully. Please consult the template Memorandum of Understanding (available on the WAU website) and write to the WAU Steering Committee at Additionally, please send a copy to Isaac Nyamongo (, WAU co-Chair and IUAES President, and Gordon Mathews (, WAU co-Chair and WCAA Chair.


World Congress

The World Congress began in 1934 (then known as ICAES) and has been held regularly worldwide. Following the creation of the World Anthropological Union in 2018, all World Congresses will now be WAU World Congresses. The host for the 20th World Congress will be selected by a vote of the WAU Steering Committee after candidate presentations.



World Congresses are hosted or organized by national/regional anthropology associations, universities or institutions in the host country, WCAA Task Forces, or one or more IUAES Commissions. We welcome proposals from anthropology or ethnology associations, organizations, or institutions, as well as WCAA Task Force and IUAES Commission chairs. The WAU Steering Committee values and encourages all anthropologists’ participation in WAU’s intellectual activities. Demonstrated commitment to anthropology and academic quality are given the highest priority when considering proposals. Adequate rotation of venues between continents is also a consideration.



All proposals must include a formal letter of proposal following the guidelines provided below and considering the elements outlined in the MoU (see the WAU website for the template). Proposals will be carefully examined and assessed, and the WAU Steering Committee will contact proposers if clarification is needed. Before a proposal is approved, the organizers must present to the WAU Steering Committee, either in person or online, depending on circumstances.


IUAES World Congresses (in the past) 

  • London, UK (1934)
  • Copenhagen, Denmark (1938)
  • Brussels, Belgium (1948)
  • Vienna, Austria (1952)
  • Philadelphia, USA (1956)
  • Paris, France (1960)
  • Moscow, Russia (1964)
  • Tokyo, Japan (1968)
  • Chicago, USA (1973)
  • New Delhi, India (1978)
  • Quebec and Vancouver, Canada (1983)
  • Zagreb, Croatia (1988)
  • Mexico City, Mexico (1993)
  • Williamsburg, USA (1998)
  • Florence, Italy (2003)
  • Kunming, China (2009)
  • Manchester, UK (2013)
  • Florianópolis, Brazil (2018)
  • Delhi, India (2023)
  • Lisbon, Portugal (2027)


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your proposal giving information on the items below (and keeping in mind the various points spelled out in the MoU). There is no submission form. 

If inadequate information is provided, the WAU Steering Committee may not consider the proposal. 


General Information

  • Month and year of the proposed congress.
  • City and country.


Information About the Proposer

  • Names of the responsible persons and the proposed congress convenor.
  • Titles/positions and institutional affiliations.
  • Office addresses, phone numbers (with country codes), and email addresses.


Organization of the Congress

  • Name of the host organization (national organization and/or academic institution).
  • Name(s) of the WCAA Task Force(s) or IUAES Commission(s) involved.
  • Names of supporting or cooperating anthropological associations or institutions, with evidence of support.
  • Names of the local organizing committee members, in close collaboration with the WAU Steering Committee.


Academic Plans

  • Conference theme/topic.
  • Objectives for holding the proposed congress.
  • Plans for calls for panels/papers.
  • Plans for publication of proceedings, books, etc., if already committed.


Details of the Proposed Congress

  • Proposed date of the congress.
  • Type of congress (hybrid or online only).
  • Proposed venue (for hybrid congresses).
  • Expected number of participants.
  • Reasons why the proposed location is suitable for a WAU congress, with a focus on invigorating local anthropological scholarship.



  • Names of potential financial supporters.
  • Availability of grants, subventions, and other financial resources.
  • Availability of travel subsidies for colleagues from low-income regions.
  • Expected registration fees.
  • Statement of commitment that all congress participants will be individual members of the IUAES or members of WCAA member associations, with the organizers responsible for collecting and remitting membership fees.
  • Statement about responsibility in case of financial loss or surplus. WAU will not be liable for financial losses, and an MoU will be signed once the proposal is approved (a template MoU is available on the WAU website).


Local Information

  • Weather and climate.
  • Information on tours and planned excursions, if any.
  • Types of available accommodation and their costs.
  • Visa requirements.



  • Related events.
  • Experience in organizing large-scale (inter)national conferences.
  • Current state of preparation for the proposed congress.
  • Any other relevant information.


If you have any questions, need further clarifications, or have other requests, please write to the WAU Steering Committee at

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